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Local Groups

A social group supported by the Children’s Centre Thunder Bay for 12-25 year old 2SLGBTQ youth and young adults looking to explore their identity. Groups are adult facilitated but youth-driven and provide a safe space for participants to meet, discuss, educate another, draw and play games. Meeting are every second Thursday 5:30-7pm September to June.

Call the Children’s Center to register - (807)343-5000

This group is for any parent, guardian, family member or loved one of a trans child. Its purpose is to share resources and experiences. It takes place at Roots Community Food Centre the last Monday of every month (excludes June-August) from 6:30-8pm. Email to register.


Check with your school to see if they have a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). If not, feel free to request one, if a student asks the school must provide one. GSAs often take place over the lunch break once a week for those who are gender or sexual diverse. It’s a place to make connection with people you can relate to and sometimes take on advocacy and education projects.

Queer Drop-In

Evening drop-in of connection at Norwest Community Health Centre with other queer folks. Enjoy food, board games, tunes and a sense of community. For more information contact Ben at (807) 626-7870.

Gender Journeys

An 8 week educational group for transgender and gender diverse individuals to explore their identity and receive reliable information to help them along their journey. This free group is for those who are 18+. Call ONWA for dates and to register.

A gender identity exploration and support group. Provide reliable information, discuss the challenges of trans experience and find emotional support. Lots of opportunities to ask questions at this group at Norwest Community Health Centre. Contact Joan Wolframe-Smith at (807) 346-1000 ext 3214 for more information.

Local Resources

We have a list of local professionals but you can also check out this Service Provider Directory for Service Providers who have made a commitment to providing competent and welcoming care.


Medical Practitioners

Thunder Bay Pediatrics - Dr. Dineen and Dr. Young

Anishnawbe Mushkiki - primary care

Janzen's Pharmacy Northwood - walk-in 9am-8pm (M/Tu/W/F)

NorWest Community Health Centre - primary or shared care

Elevate NWO - sexual health

*If you are going to your primary care provider for hormone therapy and are the first to do so, pass along this guide to your provider along with these frequently asked questions. They can also get training through Rainbow Health Ontario.


Mental Health

Dorset Pier Mental Health

NorWest Community Health Centre

The Children's Centre Thunder Bay

Anna Hirdes - Bare Soul Counselling

Julia MacArthur Counselling 

Thunder Bay Counselling


Can't find a local therapist or counsellor? Try these online options:

Our Landing Place


Get Involved

SAGE - Sexuality & Gender Equity Community

Thunder Pride


Indigenous Organizations

Dilico Family Health & Wellness Centre

Indigenous Friendship Centre

Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Nokiiwin Tribal Council

Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA)



Pride Central - Lakehead University

Pride Centre - Confederation College

Contact Rainbow Collective

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Rainbow Collective of Thunder Bay is situated on the lands of the Anishinaabe People of Fort William First Nation, signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850 and reside within Region 2 of Métis Nation. 


We will work to move the gender and sexual diversity communities forward while respecting the on-going contributions of Two-Spirit, First Nation, Metis and Inuit peoples based on the principles of mutual trust, respect, reciprocity, and collaboration in the spirit of reconciliation.


©2021-2024 by Rainbow Collective of Thunder Bay.

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